AISWITCH is a First Mover AI-IA Practice Research group that helps global TSPs & end-user companies SELECT, BUILD, RUN ENTERPRISE AI-SWITCH: AI Strategy, Workforce, Information/data, Technology-stacks, Culture & Human-AI Metrics.
Make AI deliver RoI: 5+ unique US trademarked IP's, boilerplates, practice assessments.
Carrying the classic research legacy of actionable, grounded, evidence-based guidance, we @AISWITCH know exactly what challenges the end-user leaders are facing in their AI-automation-data-cloud journeys, and how the TSP's are trying to deliver to net new demands, to stay relevant. In partnership with global research & advisory firms like ISG, F&S, Third Eye, AISWITCH helps build AI & data practice bridges between end-user leaders and their TSP partners: e.g.
Jeffrey Archer makes a statement for William Warwick, on ABC of governance: "Accept nothing. Believe no one. Challenge everything". The exact same ABCs work in data-AI governance, for limited AI-leveraged organizations creating invisible "code ceilings".
We are helping top global TSP & EU clients to AI-SWITCH their zero-sum games, into winning moves, working as AI Practice Partners.
7 example service providers have been assessed in terms of their AISWITCH AI practice maturity, with a focus on GenAI- hype vs. value. Base: Primary data- examples, secondary research
Ask yourself as an Enterprise AI practice leader- be in tech or end-user organizations. What are you disrupting? If the answer is just incremental me-too rat race with linear innovations, then there's NO AI there- as Turing explained...
If you are still working on or are providing services for the red ocean steps, it's a long way ahead. But the blue ocean is truly limitless...
Here's a detailed AI Tech Prediction Curve on what to expect in the near horizon 2025 to 2028.
Getting the fund allocated for AI is a tough task for CAIOs/ CIOs/ CDOs. Creating an AI Innovation/ Opportunity fund, internal to the enterprise, can be a game-changer.
If not, the future looks more grey than green. Why must AI be a CEO/ CXO agenda? Because it is THAT important for any company's basic competitive survival today.
Cogito, ergo sum- I think, therefore I am: Rephrasing René Descartes statement on cognition, in today's AIDX (AI-Defined Everything) world:
=> Ego sum doctrina, ergo sum: I learn, therefore I am
=> Honor autem machinae: Machines think, therefore they are
AI-automation Market Predicts:
SWITCH from Tamas- Dark (data), to Jyoti- Enlightened (intelligence)
The real AI Death Valley spreads across the tall mountains of dark data & AI-automation tech on the supply-side, and unsurmountable demand-side challenges of scale, adoption, trust & acceptability.
In a 2020 survey, 92% enterprise leaders said - Board-level governance is an absolute must for AI. 75% said their top priority was to implement global best-practice frameworks.
AISWITCH fills these gaps, with:
- AI-automation focussed practice evidence-based research
- Patented, ITIL-like frameworks, to manage 6 key dimensions, in AISWITCH (IP): AI Strategy, Workforce, Information (data), Technology, Culture, Human-AI metrics.
AISWITCH ensures Purposeful-Impactful-Mindful Metrics-driven AI that is strategically relevant AI: Right AI-automation tech right-purposed for right outcomes, with right processes, by right people.
Top Emerging AI Trends we cover (Future-ready AI):
We are proud practitioners of AI & automation, each of us with 25+ years of hands-on experience. Having been part of 1000's of client projects on AI-automation-SM, it's time we share our learnings & IP's.
AI-automation-AIoT assets, solutions and services are quite different from typical IT infra and apps services, in many ways. Traditional frameworks like ITIL, ISO 20000, COBIT etc. don't address many of the specific strategic, design, operational issues in AI-IA, such as:
Traditional frameworks like ITIL & ISO 20000 don't address many issues in AI-automation management:
The change, configuration, release management processes for AI-automation are different from typical IT service assets:
6 months AI practice advisory engagement - to create the AI storyboarding practice and initial GTM collaterals
1 year research, advisory and consulting engagement on AI practice assessment, competitive benchmarking, AI strategy formulation and process set-up, best practices and usecase discovery, usecase priority matrix
~5 years- Continuous research, advisory and consulting engagements on cloud and AI practice assessment, competitive benchmarking, technology and usecase evaluations, talent quality benchmarking, strength of strategy & storyboards assessments, research IP's and collaterals development for ITSPs
Performed detailed multi-year assessments and maturity benchmarking of AI technology and information (Data) management practices in 7 large Telco's of 7 countries, as part of a corporate network
4 years periodic assessments, benchmarking - internal peer-based and best practices/ innovations of competition from different geo's, discovery of strategic disruptive AI opportunities in Telco in specific markets and regions
Performed complete assessment and benchmarking with industry competitors, and then set-up the global AI Strategy Management Process, defined the AI Strategy along with the AI Leaders at US and UK, in the Strategy Formulation Process: For a top global CPG company- 1 year engagement
6 months AI strategy - business case development and storyboarding practices using the AISWITCH TM framework
Performed the adoption management and culture and metrics definition processes starting with assessments, peer benchmarking and best practices discovery, within multiple entities in the Telco network for a regional telecom giant
3 years advisory engagement periodically, to drive change management- processes and people practices, metrics and RoI- process guidance
We the senior practitioners must become better listeners and solicit futuristic ideas on AI. We must practice what we preach- design thinking, lateral thinking, viewpoint engineering, scenario planning and speculative design, by actively soliciting participation from young minds.
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