The 3-minute story:
This is a time-boxed technique so that the priority filters and key messages are articulated first, and also to reduce unnecessary noises and story 'clutters', e.g. without too many dashboards and data elements eventually proving similar insights and viewpoints.
For example, for the COVID third wave prevention plan data-story, a 3-minute story-telling version will include visual storylines plus narratives, as below:
The spread of the virus during the first and second waves of COVID-19 has shown that - in countries where mass vaccination programs got delayed, due to population and logistics and access problems, both the rate of spread and the severity of illness indicators have increased from 2X to 30X, across a few critical parameters in some regions [ref. Visual graphs/ trend charts]. ......
Shortage of health infrastructure and basic healthcare materials like oxygen and critical care medicines resulted in rapid deterioration in cases of elderly patients (first wave) as well as youngsters (20's and 30's)..... [with data visuals]....The effectiveness of vaccines were proven in multiple studies ...... [visuals]... These immunity indicators prove that vaccination rates above 30-40% can help prevent rampant proliferation of COVID in a potential third wave that the medical experts are predicting in the next few quarters.
Based on these observations, the private sector hospitals have to join hands with public sector health infrastructure, to provide vaccine production-distribution-execution support at an emergency scale, especially across regions where the rate of spread has been very high in the first and second waves.
The 3-minute story-boxes are one of the most powerful messaging techniques focused on the attention span of the target audience, which in most cases are the top leaders and decision makers.
The key features of 3-minute stories are:
For more explanations, other techniques and applications, go to:
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