We all have been blueprinting for decades now. From technology stacks to systems architecture to workflow designs to enterprise data lakes, blueprinting has been a done and dusted technique that has successfully combined design skills, technology know-how, and domain/ functional/ process experiences.
But, Digital has brought in Disruptions. Now the winning businesses have been 'platformizing' themselves rapidly and aggressively, leaving their competitors far away, in these games of speed and agility (flexibility, ease and quickness to change).
Platformizing your traditional businesses and operating models requires fresh, green thinking. Add to this strategic requirement, the need to incorporate the renewed focus on carbon-sensitivity and neutrality, the Green of ESG, for sustainable, ethical, digital businesses. These fundamental changes in business practices have triggered an urgent need to rethink and recreate the very ways businesses are imagined, designed, built and run. Hence, the need to evolve from the well-established blue-printing practices, to fresh, new Greenprinting capabilities.
What is Greenprinting? How is it different from Blueprinting?
Green-printing is the set of practices that start with the freshly imagined, designed and created current and future states of platformized neo-digital business and operating models, with clean slates and fresh, new approaches.
These practices aim to be legacy-light and lean, rather than trying to incrementally modify or retrofit all the previous business processes, workflows and practices into the neo-digital models, that were captured and considered in blueprinting.
Green-printing practices focus on agility and speed, with the core assumption being that all digital businesses are dynamic thanks to the ever-changing hyper-personalized experience delivery requirements. These aspects of rapid change and speed of execution are typically not the focal areas of technology, workflows or systems blueprinting practices used in traditional, non-digital or semi-digital (e.g. 'digital' is just an incremental, additional channel) businesses.
Blueprinting evolved from static architecture design concepts, e.g. blueprints of buildings and structures. All these physical structures are static in nature and durability-focussed by design, whereas digital businesses must have platform architectures that are dynamic and rapid change-focussed by design. Therefore, blueprinting practices are more legacy-incremental, rather change-averse and static, whereas greenprinting emphasizes on speed and ease of change, in businesses, workflows, systems and experiences/ service outcomes. That's why, greenprinting approaches are much better suited for digital business platforms design and execution, than the existing blueprinting practices.
Why is Greenprinting a must-do for the winning businesses that are platformizing and reinventing themselves?
Businesses that are winning the digital race, are winning on just one parameter: SPEED. They remember the Key Theme of Digital at every moment of their value delivery and operations/ service models, that truly digital businesses are all about Delivering Hyper-flexible, Hyper-personalized "Digital Business Moments", to millions and billions of customers, every second, every day.
For example: Uber, Amazon, Lemonade. If all these digital-native mega-disruptors in their own operating industries had to retrofit their unique digital business models and all its underlying technology mesh, on top some existing logistics provider, retailer or insurance business operational infrastructure, could they ever achieve the speed at which they scaled and disrupted their industries?
The writing on the wall is very clear on this question: NO.
This is why- the need for speed to win the digital business race, in any and every vertical/ industry, demands a fundamental rethink and reimagination of their operating model and business ops infrastructure, across the processes, workflows, practices.
How to Greenprint your digital business platforms?
1-2-3 Steps:
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