Several current surveys including the ones conducted by AISWITCH and our research partners, conducted between 2021 and 2023, show:
While this is a totally acceptable trend during early adoption and initial state of maturity of enterprise applications of any relatively new technologies, it is important for enterprise leaders to note that AI TECHNOLOGIES NOW ARE JUST AS SIGNIFICANT STRATEGIC DISRUPTORS FOR BUSINESSES, AS COMPUTERS HAD FUNDAMENTALLY BEEN, IN THE '80's.
That is why- it's high time the the CEOs OWN, LEAD AND DRIVE THE ENTERPRISE AI AGENDA, and not the CIOs, COOs or CDO's.
Why should the CEOs take charge of their enterprise AI agenda?
Because of these 5 reasons:
Strategic AI Innovation Mandate and Fund:
The AI-powered CEOs should start a top-down AI agenda, to complete the AI 360 value cycle, along with bottom-up user-driven AI e.g. Gen AI applications and piecemeal experimentations by developers and business users.
Why, what and how
Why a Strategic AI Innovation Fund:
AI as the Key Source of Sustainable Competitive Advantage: To move AI beyond operational agenda.
What is a strategic AI innovation fund:
· A dedicated, corporate/ group-level AI Leverage fund with CEO and Board as Sponsors.
· AI for Systems of innovation and differentiation: Beyond current-state AI usecases for Systems of Records and Transactions.
For example:
How to set it up in partnership with strategic SPs:
- To enable co-innovations with strategic SPs as Innovation Partners
- CXO leaders and SP partner leaders together set up, co-sponsor and co-own AI Disruptive Experimentation testbeds and innovation garages/ labs
- The Service Provider as Innovation Co-sponsors allocates funds in existing/ new contracts to be used on innovation projects that are agreed to by the client and Provider.
Each Innovation project must minimally include:
§ clear outline of business goals/outcomes,
§ measurable KPIs, baselines, best practice discoveries- by persona’s top-down (UDA- Up Down and Across)
§ strong and clear, practicable management/governance policies, frameworks, best practices on codified experiential knowledge (e.g. on types of data security/ privacy errors, plagiarisms, legal liabilities, unpredictable behavior/ responses from Bots)
This AI innovation fund should be an investment by the Provider Partners vs offsetting by raising the price. It will improve both the stickiness and probability of renewal for the Providers, while also increasing the intrinsic value/ impact of the contract and the QoR (Quality of Relationship) with client leadership teams.
Innovation Projects should have shared KPIs and KRAs (key responsibility areas) between Client and Provider leaders/ teams, to work on scenarios where 1) parts of the client enterprise are resistant to change, 2) cost and time overruns go outside planned boundaries e.g. too expensive 3) disrupt the steady state business. KPIs should be established upfront to identify innovation projects, exec owners, timelines, and systems, applicable policies and GRC frameworks.
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